The Importance Of Heeding Drug Recalls
Drug Recalls And Reactions To Medications – Such As Addiction – That May Be Relevant To Your Case
Doctors prescribe medicine for weight loss, pain relief and more. However, some prescription medications are actually very harmful drugs with an increased risk of side effects. Heart attacks, brain damage and many other side effects can be risks of understudied pharmaceuticals.
Pain medications are now recognized as highly addictive and these overprescribed dangerous opioids have become the cause of many overdose deaths. Drugs that were once considered safe and effective, pain killers continue to cause more health concerns than those that they solve. People who take these drugs long-term will likely require addiction treatment and even hospitalization. If this trend has affected you personally or if your family lost a family member to overdosing on opioids such as Fentanyl or OxyContin, contact our Des Moines law firm for legal advice.
Review The List Of Recalled Pharmaceuticals With Our Guidance In A Free Initial Consultation
The FDA maintains a list of recalled pharmaceutical drugs that you can use to protect yourself and evaluate if you should file a lawsuit. We will gladly go over this list with you as you consider medications you have taken and side effects you have dealt with – or if you are concerned about the safety of drugs you have taken.
We can help you sort through this list of dangerous drugs based on the health dangers they may have posed to you.
Join Or Initiate A Class Action Or File An Individual Lawsuit After A Recalled Drug Has Caused You Serious Harm
Our attorneys are strong advocates with a strong track record, respected by judges and lawyers alike for their reputation for getting results. We welcome the opportunity to recommend a course of action for you if the drug recall list includes medications that you have taken. If a class action is already underway for people affected by a recalled drug, we can help you join that class action suit. If not, we can help you initiate your own class action or file an individual lawsuit.
For further guidance on how to use the FDA drug recall list or how to determine whether you have a case against a drug manufacturer, a pharmacy or a prescribing physician, contact Galligan Law in Des Moines by email or by phone at Local: 515-316-6179.