Wrongful death and murder cases are both responses to when someone dies due to another person’s action or inaction. However, the two cases are markedly different. Below are some of the areas in which wrongful death and murder differ. Court A criminal court hears a...
For the Injured And For A Safer Iowa
Month: March 2019
What to Do Before You Sue a School for Your Child’s Injury
When your child gets injured at school, you might wonder if you can sue the school district for liability in the injury. A reasonable expectation of safety exists for a child going to school. When children get injured, parents can sue a school and receive financial...
4 Facts When Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit for Your Child
The injury of a child is a nightmare that most parents hope they will never have to experience. Unfortunately, accidents and injuries to children happen every day. These include dog bites; bicycle, car; and school bus accidents; or sports and school activity-related...